Surveillance Updates
Influenza Surveillance Update - Week Ending March 7, 2020
COVID-19 Update
Regular influenza surveillance updates have been temporarily paused during COVID-19 response. For up-to-date information on COVID-19 and respiratory illness surveillance in Marin County, visit our Novel Coronavirus Surveillance page.
Influenza Surveillance Update - Week Ending February 1, 2020
Local influenza activity continues to increase in Marin County with a spike in activity seen during January 2020. To date, the 2019-2020 flu season has been more severe than the 2018-2019 season. It is not too late to get the flu vaccine if you haven't already. You can find out where to receive the flu vaccine here.
Influenza-like Illness Activity
Influenza Surveillance Update - Week Ending November 30, 2019
Influenza season is here, and influenza-like illness activity is on the rise in Marin. Positive tests began to increase in September this year and continue to rise. Current data suggests an earlier flu season during 2019-20.
Influenza-like Illness Activity
Influenza Surveillance Update - Week Ending November 9, 2019
Influenza season is here, and influenza-like illness activity is on the rise in Marin. Positive tests began to increase in September this year and continue to rise. Current data suggests an earlier flu season during 2019-20.
Influenza-like Illness Activity
Influenza Surveillance Update - Week Ending October 12, 2019
Influenza season is here, and influenza-like illness activity is on the rise in Marin. Positive tests began to increase in September this year, and are currently at expected levels for this time of year.
Influenza-like illness activity
Influenza Surveillance Update - Week Ending May 18, 2019
Influenza-like illness activity has decreased in Marin. Positive tests have continued to decline since April 2019.
Influenza-like illness activity
Flu activity is within expected levels for this time of year. Discharge data from Kaiser San Rafael, Marin General Hospital, and Novato Community Hospital emergency departments showed the percentage of visits associated with influenza-like illness (ILI) was 6.55% during week 20 (May 12-18). See Figure 1 below.
Influenza Surveillance Update - Week Ending April 6, 2019
Influenza-like illness activity has increased in Marin. Positive tests have remained elevated throughout 2019.
Influenza-like illness activity
Flu activity remains above expected levels for this time of year. Discharge data from Kaiser San Rafael, Marin General Hospital, and Novato Community Hospital emergency departments showed the percentage of visits associated with influenza-like illness (ILI) was 7.49% during week 14 (March 31 - April 6). See Figure 1 below.
Influenza Surveillance Update - Week Ending March 23, 2019
Influenza-like illness activity has increased in Marin. Positive tests have remained elevated throughout 2019.
Influenza-like illness activity
Discharge data from Kaiser San Rafael, Marin General Hospital, and Novato Community Hospital emergency departments showed the percentage of visits associated with influenza-like illness (ILI) has increased to elevated levels in March and are above expected levels for this time of year.
Influenza testing1
Influenza Surveillance Update, January 2019
Influenza-like illness activity has increased in Marin. Few laboratory tests were positive in November and early December, however positive tests have increased since mid-December.
Influenza-like illness activity
Discharge data from Kaiser San Rafael, Marin General Hospital, and Novato Community Hospital emergency departments showed the percentage of visits associated with influenza-like illness (ILI) has increased to moderate levels in December and at expected levels for this time of year.
Influenza Surveillance Update, February 2018
Influenza-like illness activity has increased in Marin and is currently higher than in past seasons. Few laboratory tests were positive in November and early December, however positive tests have increased since mid-December.
Influenza-like illness activity
Influenza Surveillance Update, December 2017
As expected each season, influenza-like illness activity has started to increase in Marin but remains moderate. Few laboratory tests were positive in November and early December, however preliminary laboratory data show that positive tests have started increasing since mid-December.
Influenza-like illness activity
Influenza Surveillance Update, Week ending December 31, 2016
As expected each season, influenza activity has started to increase in the Bay Area. This week, there have been coordinated county press releases in the region about local influenza activity. The following is a partial Influenza Surveillance Update Report with up-to-date information about recent influenza trends in Marin County. A full Influenza Surveillance Update Report will be released on next week (during the week of January 9th).
Influenza Surveillance Update, Week ending May 14, 2016
Please take five minutes to respond to our Influenza Surveillance Update Survey:
Influenza Surveillance Update, Two weeks ending April 16, 2016
Due to decreasing influenza activity in Marin County, we will be releasing our next and last influenza surveillance update report of the season in one month, during the last week of May. If you have any questions about influenza activity in the meantime, please reach out to Haylea Hannah at or (415) 473-6020.
Influenza Surveillance Update, Two weeks ending April 2, 2016
During weeks 12 (March 20-26) and 13 (March 27-April 2), influenza was still circulating in Marin County. However, influenza activity is decreasing, with a reduction in both influenza-like illness activity (Figure 1) and the number of positive influenza tests (Figure 2) during weeks 12 and 13.
Influenza-like illness activity
Influenza Surveillance Update, Two weeks ending March 19, 2016
During weeks 10 (March 6-12) and 11 (March 13-19), influenza was still circulating in Marin County. Both influenza-like illness activity (Figure 1) and the number of positive influenza tests (Figure 2) were at levels similar to the past few weeks of this influenza season, excluding a one week decline in both measures during week 9.
Influenza-like illness activity
Influenza Surveillance Update, Two weeks ending March 5, 2016
During weeks 8 (February 21-27) and 9 (February 28-March 5), influenza was still circulating in Marin County, however, there was a marked reduction in both influenza-like illness activity and the number of positive influenza tests during week 9 (Figure 2).
Influenza-like illness activity
Influenza Surveillance Update, Two weeks ending February 20, 2016
During weeks 6 (February 7-13) and 7 (February 14-20), influenza activity increased in Marin County in comparison to recent weeks with elevated influenza-like illness activity (Figure 1) and an increase in the number of positive influenza tests (Figure 2).
Influenza-like illness activity
Influenza Surveillance Update, Two weeks ending February 6, 2016
During weeks 4 (January 24-30) and 5 (January 31-February 6), influenza was circulating in Marin County with elevated influenza-like illness activity (Figure 1). The number of positive influenza tests increased during week 5, leading to an increase in the percent positive (Figure 2).
Influenza-like illness activity
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